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Release 23 : Copy any Custom Study inputs and subgraphs in one click !

Main screen (Active Chart)

The main screen of the application displays the chart currently selected in Sierra Chart (if Sierra++ study is installed on it).

The top area is common to the Graphics module and the Studies module (see Features) :


Menu, Theme and Stay On Top controls are related to Sierra++ application. See First Use for a description of how to customize Sierra++.

Sierra++ study Install Dialog

The Install Dialog displays every instance and chartbook Sierra++ is installed on, and allows you to install the Sierra++ study on other charts, and to uninstall it from the whole Chartbook :

Install the Sierra++ study to other charts

Bar Period Picker

Set the Bar Period

Set Bar Period

Add a new bar period to the Bar Period Picker (right click)

Add Bar Period

Bar Period Favorites

Mark a bar period as favorite, and display the Favorites toolbar

Bar Period Favorites

Toggle between the Graphics Module and the Studies Module

See the feature list for a detailed presentation of the Graphics and Studies modules.

Active Chart