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Release 23 : Copy any Custom Study inputs and subgraphs in one click !

What is Sierra++ ?

In essence, Sierra++ is a set of pickers for quickly changing many settings in Sierra Chart.

The first set of features, which is also the first lifetime module, focuses on Colors and Graphics.

The second set of features allows to set all study inputs in one click.

There is also a Charts Overview for quickly checking and comparing charts settings.

See the full feature list here.

Sierra++ can operate with multiple instances of Sierra Chart simultaneously.

What will Sierra++ never do ?

Sierra++ has nothing to do with trading (trading accounts, orders, positions…).
No trading API is and will never be used.

Sierra++ strictly follows Sierra Chart development rules. It uses Sierra Chart API. Features not provided by Sierra Chart API cannot be made available in Sierra++.

Sierra++ is designed exclusively for use with Sierra Chart and has no connection to any other trading platforms or applications, whether related to trading or not. Sierra++ is useless without Sierra Chart.

What’s coming next ?

Depending on users and Sierra Chart API developments, in the future Sierra++ may include :

  • Save and load study templates
  • Set other chart settings like Session Times, Scales, Crosshair, Font Size etc
  • Set and use Symbol favorites
  • Save and load chart templates

… and many others.

A Linux version is also possible if necessary, following Sierra Chart.